segunda-feira, maio 25, 2015

Master studies in Optics

Por solicitação da UCM, vimos divulgar:

"Dear Sirs,

Please find attached with this message the files containing a detailed information about our Master studies in Optics.

For the next academic year we have the following offer:

-          Master in Optometry and Vision Sciences
-          Master in Optical and Image Technologies

Both programs can be completed in one academic year and they total 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The tuition fee for each one of these program is around 3.900 €.

We deeply appreciate your collaboration to publicize this high-education offer within your institution. If you need further information please don’t hesitate to contact with us at your best convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Dra. Isabel Sánchez
Faculty of Optics and Optometry
C/ Arcos de Jalón, 118. 28037 Madrid. Spain
Phone: +34 91 394 68 73/71 – Fax: +34 91 394 68 95

web page: "

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